How to access VOSpec  

Table of contents

  1. Query SSAP Services and Open VOSpec directly from URL
  2. Open VOSpec as a standalone version (webstart)
  3. Plastic functionalities

Query SSAP Services and Open VOSpec directly from URL

VOSpec can be accessed from a URL using a simple HTML form:

SSA Name1: SSA Name2: SSA Name3:
SSA Server1: SSA Server2: SSA Server3:
POS (deg):

or directly tyiping the URL and providing the necessary parameters:


- server1, server2 etc. DO have to appear as such in the URL
- name1, name2 etc. are optional names for the services
- and POS and SIZE are the standard input parameters for SSAP.

(click on the URL, in this particular case ISO has been taken as example).

Open VOSpec as a standalone version (webstart)

VOSpec can be downloaded as a Desktop application from the following URL:

Open a local file

The following URL has to be called supplying a fileName parameter

VO Interoperability capabilities

VOSpec implements The VO interoperability protocol PLASTIC

Supported Messages:


VOSpec implements The VO interoperability protocol SAMP

Supported Messages:
